
15 Strongest Zoan Type Devil Fruit Users in One Piece, Ranked

Devil Fruits are one of the two major power systems in One Piece alongside Haki. Zoan-type Devil Fruits give their user the ability to transform into some type of animal, and they can assume a hybrid form that significantly boosts all of their physical abilities. There are also special types of Zoan Devil Fruits that are based on prehistoric creatures and mythological beings.

There are dozens of Zoan-type Devil Fruit users in One Piece, but some, such as Kaido and Lucci, are much stronger than others. Many of the strongest Zoan users are affiliated with the Beast Pirates, and most of them now possess bounties well over 500 million berries. The majority of these individuals have the power of an Ancient or Mythical Zoan. Those who have awakened their Zoan-type Devil Fruit are typically even stronger than un-Awakened Ancient or Mythical users.

15. X Drake Was Strong Enough To Be Recognized as a Supernova

He Is Also a Member of SWORD

Not much is known of X Drake for much of the beginning of One Piece. He is briefly mentioned when the Supernovas are introduced, and is seen fighting against one of the Pacifistas on Saboady Archipelago. Eventually, however, it is revealed that he was the son of a Marine-turned pirate. When given an opportunity to escape the life of piracy by joining the Marines, X Drake took it.

X Drake worked his way up the ranks until he became a rear admiral. In order to better enact justice, X Drake joined SWORD, a secret organization. By pretending to renounce the Marines, X Drake gained enough of a reputation over time to even become part of Kaido’s crew. As Kaido only accepts the strong, this is proof of X Drake’s unusual skill. However, given that X Drake has lost many of his on-screen fights, he is the weakest of the Zoan Devil Fruit users on this list.

14. Chopper’s Fruit Has Very Diverse Uses

He Has Held His Own Against the Likes of Queen

The main strength of Chopper’s Devil Fruit is that he has access to far more than the two forms that other Zoan Devil Fruit users typically have access to. From the Kung Fu Point to his Monster Point, which can only be accessed by using a Rumble Ball, Chopper has a variety of different forms with which to better attack those in the Straw Hats’ way.

Chopper may not be as much of a hard-hitting fighter as Luffy, Zoro or Sanji, he has held his own against strong opponents. He has helped the Straw Hats fight against Big Mom, and even held his own on a one-on-one against Queen. Even though Queen was holding back, it is worth noting that Chopper managed to keep one of Kaido’s top-ranking subordinates busy.

13. Ulti Could Overpower Luffy’s Haki

She Also Kept Nami and Usopp on the Run

As a member of the Flying Six, Ulti is one of the Beast Pirates’ strongest fighters. With her Devil Fruit, Ulti is able to turn into a Pachycephalosaurus, as well as assume a hybrid form. More specifically, she ate the Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Model: Pachycephalosaurus, which she stole from Kaido after he took her and her brother in. As an Ancient Zoan user, Ulti gains incredible physical strength, durability, and healing while using her power.

Ulti typically charges into her opponents and headbutts them, and she coats her forehead with Armament Haki. This attack allowed her to clash with and overpower Luffy’s Armament Haki. She can withstand a direct hit from Yamato, and she can survive a beam attack from Big Mom that combines the power of her Hera, Prometheus, and Napoleon Homies.

12. Jack Is One of Kaido’s Most Trusted Subordinates

With His Mammoth Form, He Easily Bulldozes Through Opponents

Jack the Drought is a truly despicable villain, willing to take underhanded tactics to defeat his enemies, such as poisoning them. While he was not the creator of the poison, his willingness to use it makes him formidable. Of course, poisoning the Minks on Zou is not the only reason that Jack is a strong Zoan Devil Fruit user, as he can easily topple buildings while in his mammoth form.

Jack the Drought first appeared in Episode 746.

Jack the Drought is voiced by Kenji Nomura in the Japanese version and by Bill Butts in the English version.

Although he was ultimately defeated by Dogstorm and Cat Viper, Jack managed to hold his own against Zou’s leaders while being injured, himself. Additionally, he is a Fishman, so he doesn’t drown the same way other Devil Fruit users do. He still can’t swim, but as long as someone is able to rescue him from the bottom of the ocean, Jack will survive being tossed into the sea, which is a significant advantage. His Fish-Man nature thus makes him one of the strongest Devil Fruit users.

11. Kaku Awakened His Devil Fruit

Even Before Awakening His Fruit, He Was Able to Effortlessly Slice a Building in Half

As a member of CP9 even when first introduced, Kaku is an impressive fighter and a skilled swordsman. He had newly received his Ox-Ox Fruit, Model: Giraffe Devil Fruit powers during the Enies Lobby Arc, but had already almost seamlessly integrated his attacks with his new form. Aside from one mishap, Kaku had used his newfound abilities in combination with his rokushiki abilities to a highly devastating result.

By the time that Kaku makes a significant appearance again on Egghead Island, he has Awakened his Devil Fruit, adding even more destructive power to his attacks. Additionally, he not only was able to survive the attacks of S-Hawk, but managed to land a blow that pushed the Seraphim back. While the attack didn’t do lasting damage due to the Seraphim’s durability, it still signifies the strength of Kaku’s attacks.

10. Rob Lucci Could Briefly Match Gear 5 Luffy’s Strength

He Gains More Power From His Awakened Devil Fruit

Rob Lucci may have appeared before the timeskip, but he is still one of the strongest opponents that Luffy has ever faced. He ate the Cat-Cat Fruit, Model: Leopard – which allows him to transform into a leopard or leopard-human hybrid. Since the Devil Fruit is based on a predator, it is better suited for combat.

Lucci is one of the World Government’s top Cipher Pol agents, and he has mastered all seven Rokushiki martial arts techniques. Since the time-skip, Lucci has acquired both Observation and Armament Haki. He has also achieved Devil Fruit awakening. While in this form, Lucci becomes bigger, leaner, and far more powerful. He was able to briefly match Luffy’s Gear 5 transformation – albeit due to Luffy holding back. Ultimately, he is no match to many others users despite his martial abilities, which is why he is ranked at number 10.

9. Catarina Devon Hasn’t Had Much Time To Prove Herself

Her Immense Power Has Been Indicated Through Various Scenarios, Though

Despite not being shown in a significant manner, Catarina Devon has already established herself as not only one of the strongest female characters in One Piece, but as one of the strongest characters in general. If she wasn’t powerful, she wouldn’t have earned her way into the ranks of the Blackbeard Pirates. After surviving the Battle Royale on the sixth floor of Impel Down, Catarina, alongside three other pirates, had earned the right to be rescued by Blackbeard.

After eating the Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Nine-Tailed Fox, Catarina gained the ability to transform into others. The full extent of this Devil Fruit hasn’t been shown yet, but as it has been given to one of Blackbeard’s captains, it must be strong. Catarina had already gained the reputation of being the most dangerous female pirate to be imprisoned in Impel Down, but her association with Blackbeard and reception of the Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Nine-Tailed Fox means she is only getting more powerful as the show goes on.

8. Queen Enhanced His Devil Fruit With Cybernetic Augmentations

Even Discounting His Enhancements, He Is a Force To Be Reckoned With

Queen is a scientist who specializes in cybernetics and virology, but he is also a strong fighter who achieved Yonko Commander status. He invented Excite Bullets, and he can use them to infect dozens of people with viruses that are painful and highly contagious. This, combined with his size and physical strength, make him an imposing threat even before accounting for his Devil Fruit.

With his Devil Fruit, Queen can turn into a Brachiosaurus because he ate the Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Model: Brachiosaurus. This Ancient Zoan gives him incredible strength and durability. Queen augmented his body with cybernetic enhancements, and he can now fire deadly lasers from his mouth and tail. If he grabs someone with his tail, he can crush their insides even if they are skilled Haki users. If Sanji had not awakened his superhuman genes, Queen would have likely killed him.

7. King Can Deal Serious Damage To Someone as Strong as Zoro

His Background as a Lunarian Further Enhances His Strength

King is Kaido’s right-hand man, which means he is the second strongest member of the Beast Pirates. As a member of the Lunarian race, King possesses the innate ability to create fire, and he has a pair of large fully functional black wings. These traits are so useful, the World Government even experimented on him to introduce the characteristics to their Seraphim, as revealed in the Egghead Island Arc.

King can transform into a Pteranodon because of the Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Model: Pteranodon. When using his Hybrid form, King’s flying speed increases significantly, and he can perform a beak attack that Zoro admits is impossible to block. His Armament Haki can match Zoro’s, and he can perform large-scale fire attacks with his sword. Zoro would have likely lost to King if he had not awakened his Conqueror’s Haki.

6. Yamato Could Fight Kaido for a Time

His Ice Powers Make His Powerful Attacks Even More Deadly

Yamato debuted in the later stages of the Onigashima Raid as Kaido’s son and a huge fan of Kozuki Oden. Due to being Kaido’s son, he inherited some of Kaido’s superhuman physical abilities, and is capable of using all three types of Haki. He is also one of the few people in the world who can infuse objects with advanced Conqueror’s Haki, making his attacks even more effective.

While it is unclear when, Yamato ate the Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Okuchi-no-Makami. This Mythical Zoan gives Yamato the ability to transform into a divine wolf that can generate ice beams and ice-based defenses. While Luffy was incapacitated, Yamato and Kaido fought each other in their hybrid forms, and Yamato was able to fight hold his own against Kaido until Luffy returned to the fight with renewed energy.

5. Sengoku Could Release Powerful Shockwaves

With This Power, He Achieved the Rank of Fleet Admiral

Sengoku was the Fleet Admiral of the Marines during the Summit War, and he is still considered one of the strongest characters in One Piece despite being in his late 70s. He ate the Human-Human Fruit, Model: Buddha – a Mythical Zoan that gives him the power to transform into a large golden Buddha.

While in this form, Sengoku can perform powerful shockwaves that are strong enough to send most of the Blackbeard Pirates flying. These shockwaves can clash evenly with the Tremor-Tremor Fruit – which supposedly has the power to the destroy the world. Sengoku can use all three types of Haki, and other than Garp, he was the only Marine that Gol D. Roger found worthy of his time, which is why he is the fifth-highest ranking Zoan Devil Fruit user.

4. Marco Possesses Immense Strength and Healing Capabilities

Moreover, His Fruit Acts Similarly to a Logia-Type

Marco revealed the Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Phoenix during the Marine Ford Arc. It is one of the only Devil Fruits that gives its user the ability to fly freely. He can transform into a fiery blue phoenix, and the flames of this Mythical Zoan have incredible healing properties. Marco can heal most injuries in a matter of seconds, making his power seem more like a Logia than a Zoan at times as bullets fly through him.

When Marco joined the Whitebeard Pirates, he was just an apprentice, but he went on to become the formidable commander of the first division. He could fight on par with Admiral Kizaru because of his Devil Fruit and Haki. During the Onigashima Raid, he was able to fight King and Queen at the same time without sustaining any major injuries.

3. Kaido Is Considered The Strongest Creature in the World

His Powerful Blast Breath Is Highly Destructive

Prior to his defeat, Kaido was one of the Yonko, and he was also considered the strongest creature in the world. His body is nearly indestructible even at a base level, and he becomes even more durable when using his Armament and Conqueror’s Haki. He is able to beat most opponents without even needing to use his Devil Fruit.

Kaido ate the Fish-Fish Fruit, Model: Azure Dragon – which allows him to turn into a colossal dragon. While in this form, Kaido can perform various elemental attacks, including a fire blast that can destroy an entire mountain. His hybrid form could match and overpower Luffy’s Gear 4 transformation. Kaido himself once admitted that Whitebeard, Shanks, Rocks D. Xebec, Oden, and Gol D. Roger, were the only individuals capable of actually beating him.

2. Saint Jaygarcia Saturn Possesses Terrifying Supernatural Abilities

He Is Able To Regenerate Limbs as Well as Enact Multiple Attacks at Once

If Luffy wants to achieve his dream, he will need to surpass the Five Elders – who were once recognized as the highest authorities of the World Government. Saint Jaygarcia Saturn holds the Warrior God of Science and Defense title, and he reveals his unnamed Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit during the Egghead Buster Call in an intimidating display.

He can transform into a spider-like oni, and he has clearly awakened his Devil Fruit’s power. Saturn can immobilize others by simply looking at them, and he can injure certain opponents in the same way. Those with weak Haki die if they simply look at him. In addition to these impressive offensive abilities, he can regenerate entire limbs very quickly. Moreover, he does not seem to be negatively affected by Luffy’s Gear 5 abilities, making him a scarily competent enemy at the time.

1. Monkey D. Luffy Can Now Fight With Complete Freedom

The Ability To Achieve Anything Makes Luffy Nigh-Unstoppable

For the majority of the series, Luffy’s Devil Fruit was classified as a Paramecia, but that is because the World Government concealed its true name. The Human-Human Fruit, Model: Nika is a Mythical Zoan that turns Luffy into an incarnation of Nika – a playful sun god with a rubber body. Gear 5, wherein Luffy transforms into his ultimate form, has cemented Luffy’s place as the strongest Zoan Devil Fruit user in One Piece.

Luffy can barrage opponents with high-speed punches, and he can enlarge his limbs to deal massive blows. He is one of the few people who can use all three types of Haki – including advanced Armament and Conqueror’s Haki. He defeated Kaido and other powerful pirates like Crocodile, Doflamingo, and Charlotte Katakuri. Gear 5 is his awakened form, and it allows him to fight with absolute freedom because he can treat anything he touches like rubber.

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