
Indian Army, DRDO conduct MPATGM weapon system trials

The weapon system is now poised for user evaluation trials, the final step towards its induction into the Indian Army.

The Indian Army and the Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) have carried out successful trials of the man portable anti-tank guided missile (MPATGM) weapon system.

The warhead flight trials were conducted at the Pokhran Field Firing Range in Rajasthan, India, on 13 April.

The system has been indigenously designed and developed by the DRDO.

As part of the latest effort, the MPATGM weapon system was put through multiple field evaluations in various flight configurations.

The objective of the testing effort was to assess and validate the superiority of the MPATGM weapon system, which comprised the MPATGM, target acquisition system, launcher and fire control unit.

According to the Indian Ministry of Defence (MOD), the Indian Army and DRDO conducted an ‘adequate’ number of missiles firing tests, all aimed at meeting the operational requirements as outlined in the General Staff Qualitative Requirements by the Indian Army’s Infantry division.

The missile’s performance, particularly the warhead performance, was deemed “remarkable” during the trials, the MOD said.

The MPATGM weapon system’s Tandem Warhead System also underwent penetration trials, showcasing its capability to defeat modern armoured main battle tanks (MBTs).

The anti-tank guided missile system features both day and night as well as top attack capabilities, with the addition of a dual-mode seeker enhancing its tank warfare potential.

Following the technology development and successful demonstration, the MPATGM weapon system is now poised for final user evaluation trials, marking a significant step towards its induction into the Indian Army.

According to the MOD’s media release, Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh claimed that these trials mark a crucial step towards reinforcing India’s self-reliance in the development of advanced technology-based defence systems.

In 2022, the Indian Army and DRDO tested laser-guided, anti-tank guided missiles from the Arjun MBT.

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